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Gaps in Coverage
aren’t necessarily your employer's fault

Practicing physicians and healthcare executives frequently are frustrated to learn how the long-term disability coverage provided by their employer doesn’t come close to replacing the income they are currently earning. It’s not inconceivable that a disabled physician or executive could find themselves having to rely on a benefit that replaces less than half of 50% of their actual income and makes it impossible to meet one’s financial obligations. 

This unwanted situation isn’t due to an employer choosing the wrong coverage as much as it is the result of the definition of coverage found in the group Long Term Disability policies that are an organization’s best option to cover all of their employees. 

These  policies rarely protect more than 6o% of base salary, will limit the benefit amount it will pay each month, and will subject this benefit to taxes. The result of these potential reductions leave a highly compensated professional grossly underinsured and having to make difficult life changes at the worst possible time. 

It’s for these reasons that healthcare professionals purchase individual disability policies to fill in these coverage gaps.  These policies can protect all income sources, dramatically raise the maximum monthly benefit, increase the percentage of covered income to as much as 80% of income and securing a benefit that will not be subject to taxes. 

You can quickly calculate your current level of protection by “Clicking Here” or request a proposal based on your current circumstances by “Clicking Here”.

These individual policies can be made available by an organization on a voluntary basis with permanent discounts and possibly without requiring the completion of any medical questions or exams.  If you represent a healthcare institution or would like us to share this information with your organization’s benefit representatives. 

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